BREIF HISTORY-My fascination with the Appalachian Trail began in my dorm room at East Carolina University in 2012. I watched “APPALACHIAN TRAIL” By National Geographic and became obsessed with the trail. I started section hiking in 2014 and made a goal to try a thru hike in 2017 after I graduated college. In April of 2017 I attempted to thru hike the Appalachian Trail. It was time for the ULTIMATE ADVENTURE. I woke up in my tent on day 8 with chest pains, a migraine, rapid breathing and my mind was racing. I came to realize it was a panic attack after going home and visiting the doctor. This would began a journey of working on my anxiety with the help of the trails. I went back to the AT in 2019 and completed my northbound thru hike. The next year I was working for Jennifer Pharr Davis (who currently has the womens supported FKT on the AT) as a backpacking guide and hostel caretaker in Hot Springs, NC. I was inspired by Jen and decided to try my hand at a supported fastest known time (FKT). I chose the Mountains-to-Sea Trail (1,175 miles) which stretches across the entire state of North Carolina. It was a rough experience but I learned a lot along the way. As someone who enjoys always having a challenge on the horizon I decided to train for a 100 mile ultramarathon trail race. Since 2021 I have run 23 ultramarathon trail races, set FKTs on the Benton MacKaye Trail (289 miles) and (Colorado Trail (486 miles) and thru hiked the John Muir Trail. I have a goal of completing a 100+ mile trail every year.
GOALS-Chump Change FKT will be attempting to set the supported FKT on the Appalachian Trail. The crew consists of Rascal, Candy Mama, Omi. We will also have an array of pacers, trail angels, and friends coming out to help. The Appalachian Trail has such a strong community surrounding it and I can’t think of a better way to complete the trail than with the community by our side. I (Candy Mama) am merely a vehicle for the crew to maintain, feed, and encourage to the finish. I can’t do it without her crew. We will be beginning mid august of 2024 going south bound. If you’d like to help pace or crew please visit the sub menu under Appalachian Trail FKT called “want to crew and pace?!. Chump Change Crew hopes to travel the trail in less than 41 days 7 hours and 39 minutes which is the current record held by Karel Sabbe. By now we have begun this adventure. Tracking information is displayed in the sub menu under Appalachian Trail FKT as well.
CHUMP CHANGE? -In 2020 when I was attempting to set my first FKT on the Mountains-To-Sea Trail Rascal came up with this saying. She expressed the mere 40+ miles I was walking every day was just “chump change” in hopes it would center my anxious mind and put everything into perspective. Well it worked and here we are 4 years later going at it again.
Every Second Counts & Equanimity
Crew Job Titles
Rascal- Crew Chief/Manager of Chaos
Omi- Crew Mom/Sustainer
Tara- Runner/Vehicle

Appalachian Trail Facts
- In 2024 the AT is 2,197.4 miles long
- Volunteers log 240,000 hours to the trail each year
- There is approximately 464,500 FEET of gain/loss in elevation.
- The total elevation gain of hiking the entire A.T. is equivalent to climbing Mt. Everest 16 times.
- The AT sees 3+ million visitors a year